Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Journal - week16

         In the article 'Transnational struggles for water and power' and 'Dams, Democracy, and development in Transnational perspective' by Sanjeev has talked about the increasing numbers of the big dam building during the 1900s in the United Stated, the Great Britain and Soviet Union where the first major and powerful hydropower dam, the Desprostoi located. Because of the transnational big dam building contribute to big international regime such as ICOLD in order to share information about big dam building through out the world. But started from the mid 1960s to late 1900s, when the number of dam building went steady and less which they assumed because of four factors which are technical; no available area to build new dam, financial; inadequate funding, economic and political; decreasing financial viability of and changing economic benefit-cost regulation and anti group who against the building of dams. Anti dam building has become the main focus such as environmental movement, human rights and etc. Partly, I think it is because of the globalization with the efficient in technology in transportation and communication allow these group of people have a connection with each other easier meanwhile there are existence of transnational actors, coalitions, networks and nongovernmental organization help the linkage between different group of people or nations who has the same goal like environmental actors as i mentioned earlier. These created the main obstacle toward the dam building. As nowadays, many countries have came up with many projects to construct the energy sources not only dam but some other energy source like nuclear power plant without consideration of people lives. So these transnational actors, coalitions, networks and nongovernmental organization became a big role to help out with the human rights and environmental or even gender issues as well.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Journal - Week 15

           Gringolandia is located in Cancun, Mexico, which locals refer it as a term that reflects the circus-like spectacle of the overbuilt resort, embedded in a region deeply divided by uneven development and the ensuing inequitable power relations.

          Because of globalization facilitate the travel easier for the people from one country to other country. So there are high number of tourists who visit Cancun. So, the elite and government only develop in the area where tourist will be visit instead of locals area where all the workers and immigrants are located. As Cancun can be divides into three geographical spaces which are the tourist zone including large number of hotel strip on the Cancun island, the FONATUR planned service city for local government and workers, and 'lost city' (Colonia Puerto Juarez shanty town) which spontaneously developed with the arrival of immigrant population seeking for work. This larger the gap of inequality between the locals and higher level of the citizens. Even though the high number of tourists increase the financial level of the country but on the other hand it has effect on the environmental and social issues. With the popularity of Gringolandia inspired lots of migrants to relocated and come work here in this area which caused the transnationalism where people across the borders of nation states. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Journal - Week 14

               Rights in general term defined as the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory which everyone should have since the day that they were born.      

          'Men, are born and remain free and equal in rights'
          'Every man is born with inalienable and indefeasible rights'

          According to the reading 'Biopolitics and the rights of man' mentioned a contradiction whether the rights belong to every persons or the rights belong to only citizens within the nation-state which left the question what about the refugees? Will they be provided by rights as other people? Because of the creation of the notion of nation-state lead to the existence of nationality. People started to identify who they are as they started to question What is French? What is German? Even though refugees are not identified by any member of any state but it should have their own rights as any other human being should have not only citizens; as the new status of life as origin and ground of sovereignty, as it quoted in the context that 'refugee is truly the man of rights.'


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Journal - Week 12

          Mentioning about immigrants; refer to people who cross border to another states with difference purposes but usually for permanent residence. According to the reading 'The maze of Fear', it has shown how Americans were threatened by immigrants through different kinds of subversion such as religious, political, economic and racial subversion. As we know American is a civilize place where people want to be residence of as nowadays we can found wide ranges of immigrants from over the world in America or we called it 'Salad Bowl'.

          In every human being, we have our own sense of belonging like where we come from, nationality, language and many more which differentiate us from other people within the same state or outside state boundary. But we cannot strongly feel and identify our differences if we do not look from other view or step outside the boundary. For example, when i was in the States, I told them I am from Thailand but they've simply mistaken that I am from Taiwan. So I was like no NO!, I'm from Thailand. I am personally feel that I am Thai and cannot be called by anything else. In the same sense, when immigrants migrate to different state, they will bring their culture and language to the new society and expand to the new generation until it becomes society of their own.

          As a native American feel the threat of these immigrants because they new comer immigrants will bring the culture which will influence the one that they've already had there. On the other hand, these group of immigrants can be easily target because of the different of their appearance which can caused racism in the society. Somehow, the commonness of immigrants not only in American but in the other state that has the same background seem to link and understand one another well.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Journal - Week 11

              According to the context, State defined as the political status of an organized people in an enclosed territorial unit or by historical appearance state is a specific entity of a people. The word political mostly uses in the negative way meanwhile it generally involves with state as same as state involve in politic.

           The phenomenon of the political can be explained through the term that we called friend and enemy grouping regardless of the aspects in morality, aesthetics, and economics. The distinction of friend and enemy represents the ultimate level of intensity of a union or separation, of an association and disassociation. In this sense, the enemy no need to be morally evil by itself but if it think in an opposite direction basically that is the enemy. Meanwhile, in liberalists' point of view, it transforms the way of thinking of enemy to competitor instead in the economic domain by competing with each other for the same goal. Generally, in our political world, states will negotiate for connection among one another and become alliance because of the state survival, or state interest or try to complete and balance power with more powerful state. When state has political conflict with other state will lead to tension and conflict later on. When nothing can be solve, the use of power and confrontation in military force will occur which create war. This can cause tremendous lost to human kind, environmental issue, lower in economic level of a certain state and etc.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Journal - Week 10

        The word 'Globalization' becomes popularize more and more during our century. Globalization makes our world simply connect with one another through the improvement in technology; communication and transportation which made we feel smaller and closer to each other. Since, the transportation simpler than in the past, the movement of people across border back and forth make a huge change to the society.

          In this context, it has mentioned about the the international finance and the association with globalization as the Canadian company named Bre-X. It is the company of Walsh who was gone bankrupt in the past but he has found a good opportunity for new investment while he visited in forest  of Kalimantan, Indian. He said he found gold so he boast that there is a high possibility to have gold mining in India. When the expectation reach the fevered pitch, there was nothing there, not showing any appearance of gold at all. Then reason that he did that is because relying on speculation make people belives that there was gold there, increase the demand of people invest, rise of stock market and make profit. As a result where there is nothing, the speculation failed. The reason why Tsing call the Bre-X saga a drama because he dramatize the  in order to to make situation as an appeal investment and lead this situation in franchise cronyism. Furthermore, because the existence of internet made the flow of information easily to people in different ares. Globalization facilitate people in many ways but on the hand it also caused many problems to our nations.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Journal - Week 9

       I have read the article “Siam Mapped; Chapter Two, The coming of a new geography”. According to King Mongkut’s interest toward Geography, he tried to modernize the idea of geography to become what we called ‘Modern geography’ through Western science way which has the successful accomplishment where he can prove that our globe is spherical instead of flat shaped and he got devoted to become the Father of Thai Science. Afterward, the way we understand map not only indicated where we are located on the globe but it also defined the term nation and boundary line as it stated in the article; ‘A nation can be imagined without a word or other symbol or color on the map, but this is impossible if boundary lines, the symbol which forms the entity of a map of a nation, are excluded. Boundary lines are indispensable for a map of a nation to exist or to put it in another way; a map of a nation presupposes the existence of boundary lines.’ Which can be related to the film ‘Avenge But One of My Two Eyes’ by Mograbi.

            This is my analysis from article with the filmThe film was about the separation between two nations; Palestine and Israel. It also showed how the full armed Israel treat Palestinians unfairly which lead to the conflict among them even worst. Basically, the conflict caused from nationalism; the word nationalism can be defined in many terms but in this case, it refers to the attitude that the members of a nation have when they care about their identity as members of that nation. Both of nations; Palestine and Israel, feel secure under their own territory because of socio-cultural like common culture, network of relations with people in society; family or friends or etc., and the feel of sense of belonging. If either one of the people from each side across each other boundary line in this case is where the gate was located in the movie, they will not feel that they belong there as the example Massada which is the scene where teacher told the group of students to closed their eyes and asked if they were surrounded by the Romans what would they do either surrender, fight, pray or kill themselves. Majority of them said that they will fight and for those who said that they will commit suicide with pride to represented that they royal to Israel than the others. Additionally, if they surrender and live on enemies land, they would not feel that they belong there because the network of relation are not existed. Furthermore, Identity and nationality also part of nationalism, it cannot only classified through only paper document but a person will created their own identity from the place where they create the most of emotional attachment with certain society/nation. According to the article, King Mongkut also represented the proud identity of being Siam is not inferior from any other Western nation.